
Responsive Table

  • Use stickyHeading or stickyColumn props if you want to make the header sticky and/or your first column.

<Story height={400} knobs={{ stickyHeading: true, stickyColumn: true, width: '20-100;60' }} let:knobs={{ stickyHeading, stickyColumn, width }}

Description Public {#each [...Array(100)] as item, index} Item #{index} Here's quite a big description that has a lot of content that we would like to be able to define a width for. We can do this by adding a div with a width style. {index % 2 ? 'yes' : 'no'} {/each}
  • will darken if an element inside the row is focused on
  • add a div with style="width: 500px;" to any header cell you want to force wider
  • adapted from
  • The example above has text-xs font-semibold text-gray-600 uppercase tracking-wider classes added to the table header th elements
  • The following wrapper element makes for a full screen sticky table on page where the header element also has an z-index of 2.
<div class="sticky top-0 relative z-2 h-screen flex flex-col bg-white">
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